Item Coversheet


Application of KS Carrollton, LLC, Applicant, and Nathan J. Forrest, Owner, to Rezone a 1.134 Parcel Located at the Corner of Carrollton Boulevard (Rte. 17) and Sugar Hill Road (Rte. 661) from General Commercial (GC) to Urban Residential (UR) to Allow for a 12-Unit Condominium Structure



KS Carrollton, LLC, applicant, and Nathan J. Forrest, owner, have submitted an application to rezone a 1.134 acre parcel with tax parcel identification number 34-01-106B located at the corner of Carrollton Boulevard (Rte. 17) and Sugar Hill Road (Rte. 661). The purpose of the application is to rezone the subject property from General Commercial (GC) to Urban Residential (UR) to allow for a 12-unit condominium structure.


The property is 1.134 acres located along Sugar Hill Road near the northeast corner of the Carrollton Boulevard intersection. The properties to the north and west of the property are zoned GC and are vacant. The property to the north is undeveloped. The properties to the west are zoned UR and are occupied by single family homes in the Carrollton Meadows subdivision. The properties to the south are zoned Rural Agricultural Conservation (RAC) and GC and are occupied by large single-family residences and a dance studio.


The property is vacant and undeveloped. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to UR to allow for the construction of a 3-story, 12-unit building. The structure is proposed to have a footprint of 5,257 square feet and contain 6 one-bedroom and 6 two-bedroom units. The 11,800 square foot parking lot will be accessed via a 30-foot entrance on the eastern end of the lot’s frontage.  Development of the building will need to comply with the Newport Development Service Overlay District (NDSO) architectural standards as well as any other zoning, stormwater, CBPA and building permit requirements.

A full review of the application in regard to County plans and ordinances is included in the attached Planning Commission staff report.






Because the applicant has not adequately assessed potential impacts of the proposed development on public facilities and services, staff recommends denial.


The Planning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 6-3.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
ApplicationBackup Material11/20/2018
Planning ReportCover Memo12/3/2018
Statement of ReasonBackup Material11/16/2018
Concept PlanBackup Material11/16/2018
Community Impact StatementBackup Material11/16/2018
Community Impact Statement ExhibitsBackup Material11/16/2018
VDOT CommentsBackup Material11/16/2018
Zoning/Land Use/Location MapsBackup Material11/16/2018
Site PicturesBackup Material11/16/2018
Kooiman Rezoning Resolution Resolution11/20/2018
Kooiman Rezoning Ordinance Ordinance11/20/2018